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FAQHow To Choose The Right Contractor For The Job
February 12, 2019

How To Choose The Right Contractor For The Job

How To Choose The Right Contractor For The Job When choosing a contractor for any project around your home and office, there are a few things to ask for and…
FAQWhat is Ice Damning & How Do You Prevent It?
August 28, 2018

What is Ice Damning & How Do You Prevent It?

Ice Damning While it’s in the 80’s F (30 C) and sunny….Why talk about a phenomia that only occurs in the winter? Simply because re-roofing is the only time you…
FAQWhat are the main maintenance items on my flat roof?
August 28, 2018

What are the main maintenance items on my flat roof?

Drains, drains and more drains – they absolutely need to be cleaned at least once a year; twice if you have trees near by Caulking – at sheet metal and…
FAQWhat’s the best way to update a tired exterior on a fixed budget?
August 24, 2018

What’s the best way to update a tired exterior on a fixed budget?

In my experience - it’s colour! As a home gets older colours fade and tastes change. Lots of times if we have lived in a home for several years your…